General Information

       With the articles 8-11 of the EU-Turkey Association Council Decision (ACD) No. 1/95, which has established a Customs Union between Türkiye and the EU, it was maintained that Türkiye should adopt the EU's technical legislation regarding products into its domestic law.

       Within the scope of horizontal harmonization studies, "Product Safety and Technical Regulations Law No. 7223" that has been prepared by the Ministry of Trade entered into force on 12 March 2021. The main purpose of the Law is to protect the health and safety of humans, animals, plants and the environment, to ensure that economic operators fulfil their legal obligations for placing safe and compliant products on the market. Therefore, the Framework Law determines the procedures and principles regarding the placing of products on the market, conformity assessment, market surveillance and inspection and notifications to be made regarding them and establishes the penalties in cases of unsafety and non compliance.

      Framework Regulation on Market Surveillance and Inspection of Products, published with the Presidential Decision on the Official Journal on 9 July 2021 with the number  4269 is one of the implementing regulations of the Framework Law. Article 13 “Notification of the economic operators” of the Regulation, stipulates the notification of the relevant parties regarding the product requirements, economic operators' rights, obligations and information on other rules and the current version of the technical regulations in force. Therefore this web site aims to provide up to date information regarding Turkish product safety system and technical regulations.